4 simple tips on how to get started with writing

I thought I would share with you, 4 simple tips on how to get started with writing. Now  I am not the worlds best writer in fact at school I hated writing, I did however like reading what other people wrote. When I started online I kept hearing copy writing, copy writing, copy writing, be gawd I thought now its time to run for the hills they want Shakespeare. I worked on that idea and this is what I found out worked best for me.

4 tips on writing

I have found over time that the best way I write is not to edit.  What does this mean ? It means that when you let your brain flow freely without interruption you are more likely to let the words pour out. If you are constantly going back and editing your punctuation or spelling you are altering the very way the brain works. everything in life should be in flow so why shouldn’t your writing be the same. If you keep going back and making changes straight away you are challenging the brain to stop being in creative mode but back into the critical one, these 2 don’t work hand in hand as they are like trying to mix water with oil.

4 tips on writing

Tip Number -1 As mentioned write in flow don;t edit don’t worry about punctuation you can always go back and check over it when it is complete. Find out the time of day that is best suited to you. I particularly like the mornings because my brain has been active all night even though I have been asleep and when i wake up this is when my brain has had time to process information on a subconscious level.  As you wake up your mind is on free flow you have processed information in your brain. Just a thought “Have you ever forgot where you put something and when you’re not thinking about it, like when you are at the grocery store or doing the washing and  then ” yeah I know where it is”

Tip Number-2 I find the best times for me to write are either early in the morning as I said above, or before I go to bed it seems that is when my brain is not stressing about trivial things and my mind seems calmer. Work out when you feel this is the time for you. It is personal so it could be at any time, maybe you are better when you are hyped up or angry, calm or over joyed or some other state of emotion or time of the day. Only you will know this, test it out !! you might find out something about yourself that works in other areas of your life too!

Tip Number -3 When you have let your brain deposit all your thoughts on paper leave the script of writing alone for at least half of the day. Then go back to it and add to it, clean it up and make the necessary changes, punctuation and grammatical ones. When you do, you’re writing is seen with a fresh set of eyes.

Tip Number 4 – I have left the best till last, .The most important tip is the headline, whatever you write make sure you have a compelling headline. If you don’t get your readers at the headline the most amazing story is dead and will not be read. Think of newspapers people generally read or scan the first page and if a headline catches them they will read on. If not they will go straight to their favourite articles such as sport, beauty, business or whatever they usually read.

4 tips on writing

Also have fun with your writing, think of it as a piece of your own art left for all to see, etched in time for your family and your children.

There is an author in all of us as Nike would say, Just do it !!

P.S Just have Fun with it !!!

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    6 Things Google loves !!

    Google loves, well guess what, yeah all things related to Google! No I hear you cry !. Who doesn’t love to be promoted especially if you are a search engine right and you can get other people to promote you too ?

    Google loves all of its own stuff and if you use their stuff they will love you for it.

    So what stuff belongs to Google ?

    Blogger.com– owned by google and for no cost you can blog to your hearts content for free. Be careful though as it is not hosted by you, so any content you put on your Google blogger can have  its down side as now it belongs to google and if they decide one day they don’t like your content or the site for whatever reason you could end up with a nasty shock and find out one day that your site has disappeared, worth bearing in mind and not to build your whole business around blogger, also its best to be aware when you are considering topics to blog about. However it is a great way to link to your main website and get backlinks.


    6 Things Google Loves

    Google Knol- Is a site that google started in 2008. On this google site you can add your own articles and you can also add video. The content on knol can be on any theme and you don’t have to be a great writer to get an article published. The down side is that it may be hard to find an article with the type of good content that you are searching for, that being said it is a good site to find google related updates.

    Google blogs- if you already have a blog you can add your blog to google blogs, just type in to the search engine google blogs, and the google blog site will appear it will ask you if you have a site you then input the URL of your site and voila, you blog is then added.



    Google Picasa– This is great to upload all of your pictures and make albums. You can then post pictures directly to blogger.com or to Facebook. It also allows you to do some very handy edits with the simple grahpics interface to get some stunning results and produce collages or turn your pictures into a video presentation

    Google profile– With google profile you can add all of your information relating to you, your likes, photos etc and you can inter-feed with google buzz. This is great for sharing information.

    Google site– You can do a google site for free and this is a great way to get google rankings. It comes with a variety of templates. You can also decide who can view the page, this is handy if you want to build a site for specific team activities or you want to keep it in the family so to speak. Google sites can be found under your Gmail account in more at the top of the page.



    To access all different Google applications above you can either put the term you are looking for i.e  Google profile into the web browser or visit your Gmail account and go to help and then My account. On your account it will show you all the applications that you have and the ones that you can add or edit.  There are many more that you may like such as Google docs, Google mobile, Google Bookmarks, Google buzz and the Asia version of Facebook orkut. Orkut is not available in some countries due to the country compliance.

    Another good tip is to always add your bio to all the site that have the capability and also add your photo

    Well  I hope you enjoyed this post please share the information if you found it useful

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    Success On The Net

    What do you think are the main components for you to achieve success on the net?

    To have a success on the net is all about finding a focused niche Based topic or theme that has a demand. When you find a niche and you can master it, the rewards are higher due to more targeted traffic and less competition. Golf is not a niche but however night time golf is. Weddings are also not a niche but wedding photography would be, you could even go further and target wedding portrait photography which is basically a niche within a niche.  A niche is any topic that is within a main market and is easier to rank for due to drilling down into the overall market topic. The more specific you are the easier it is to rank and therefore you are more likely to get higher in the google page rankings.  Therefore more eyeballs !! Yes toe knitting is a niche but you may find it  difficult to monetize. Well I guess anyway!!

    In the offline world it is relatively easy as its all to do with location, location, location.  A well located and stocked store on the high street or in a mall generally means instant traffic. The shop is visable and easy see. In the online world this is very different in fact its like comparing chalk to cheese as the two business modules are unique within their own right.

    The online world means it is necessary to be seen in a different manor, people are looking for solutions and information. This therefore posses different ways of attracting the customer, because without customers or traffic there are  no sales. It is imperative you provide valued information and high value content that can be easily seen, and this has to be done with the search engines in mind, the higher the search ranking the easier the content will be viewed. Information always has to come first and income generation second, this is one of the main reasons people fail online. Keyword research is also very important when promoting within a niche and this can be done by picking keywords with a fairly low competition but  good monthly search ratios.

    It is imperative therefore to have an offline to online mind shift for the way you do business to achieve a success on the net.

    You need targeted traffic or you don’t have a business. It is always better to find a niche that you are interested in and that you know something about it.  Have you ever been on the telephone and you can instantly tell if the person is smiling or not, this is usually being  conveyed through  intonation even if you can’t see their face. It is important to build trust and credibility with your customer if you want to have repeat clientele and visits to your site.

    Most online businesses fail because sadly enough the thought process goes straight to selling and collecting money and missing all the vital steps of providing theme based content, value and information.

    In summary to have success on the net you must follow the basic online principles

    Find a niche that you love and are passionate about !!

    Do your keyword research.

    Provide content and valuable information that people are searching for.

    And last but for sure not least the other major component is copy writing, but I will keep that for another post as it is one of the most sort after attributes and deserves its own place on center stage.

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    with over 11,000 plug ins there are many too choose from and it

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    from time to time to ensure that your WordPress site is getting the best

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    “Browser Wars”

    Do you spend lots of time on the Internet and get frustrated when the browser stalls ? or even worse you are in the middle of an important task and you get the
    host Not responding message?. If your anything like me that’s the time I want throw my computer out the window logic prevails and I  go make a coffee instead. We are in the days of the Browser Wars!!

    I was an avid Mozilla FireFox fan until I found Google Chrome !

    Google chrome is the fairly new kid on the block, after much beta testing since 2008  now has a stable functionality platform  for Mac, Linux and Microsoft Windows as of May 2010.

    What Do I like about Google Chrome

    It has a super fast start up with your most used sites seen directly on the home page as thumbnails so you can get to work straight away. With its clean interface you have much more screen space so the guys with small screens will love this.

    It has tab pages much like FireFox however the tabs are separate and are hosted on the top of the window and can be moved around the screen by dragging and dropping the tabs as they are self functioning. As the tabs are separate if you are looking at a web site that for some reason hangs, it doesn’t crash the entire Internet as the tabs are individual and only the  tab with the website you are visiting  is affected.

    Another neat feature is the address bar as it also doubles up as a search box and web site browser whats know as an omnibox.  The address bar  has the same feature as in FireFox in that it displays previously visited sites as you type.

    The Extensions functions on the left hand side of the web browser means you can use your extensions independent to normal browsing function, fantastic for stuff like You tube, other video sites and wiki to name a few.

    When adding new extensions there is also no need to restart your browser as with FireFox, so saves on time and the extensions are automatically updated.

    The incognito function allows you to search sites without them being stored in your history. This is great if you have kids around and have sensitive sites that you don’t want them to see ( No i didn’t mean adult sites Guys, but I guess it would be good for that too)

    Favourite bookmarks can be saved on the tool bar menu for ease of visibility and has a folder option for each so you can save preferred pages stored directly within that fave bookmark folder of each ( so you can view later if you don’t have time). This is noted by a star by the left of the browser bar, click on the star and add your book marks. It also has a delete function.

    Google Chrome Extensions

    There are numerous so I will only go over a few that I  like and use regularly for their benefits and features. What I thinks is  particularly cool is when you are adding the extensions a icon bubble appears to show you exactly where it will be placed on the browser menu so you can easily access and identify it and there is no need to restart as mentioned previously.

    Chromed Bird

    Interfaced with Twitter so that you can make your favourite tweets quickly and easily

    SEO Quake
    This has the same features as FireFox in that it provides valuable SEO information about the web page visited such as Alexa, Bing, yahoo ranking, keyword density etc

    Ultimate Google Chrome Flag
    This is perfect for identifying the the rank of a web site if it is being hosted in a different country.

    kuber page rank checker
    Measures the page rank of a page so shows the authority according to Google in the search ranking.

    Google Global
    This is also available on FireFox so if you used it before then you will know that it is perfect for identifying keyword research for words used on sites in different countries for web pages

    Facebook colour
    Just for fun, you can change your font colour in facebook to add a little twist.

    just a note!!

    If you are making your own web pages it is always a good idea to have several web browsers available on your computer, safari, opera, Mozilla etc so that when your pages are complete you can test drive them on how they operate within the different browsers. This helps conversions as you can identify the load time, font acumen and the general configuration view.

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