I wanted to share My Top 12 WP plug ins for WordPress Themes

with over 11,000 plug ins there are many too choose from and it

is a good idea to visit the plug in site located in dashboard, admin c panel

from time to time to ensure that your WordPress site is getting the best

funcionality for optimization.

Akismet–  Catches any spam comments before they go on to your site. It is usually part of all wordpress themes but if it is not then its highly recommend that you get it.

Google XML sitmaps Helps with getting your site indexed for every page by the google search engines, the bots crawl through the site to give it ranking etc.

All in one SEO pack–  Assists in getting your site indexed faster through your keywords etc.

Do Follow- This mostly generates a backlink to people that comment on you site to their site. Share the love !!

DISQUS Comment System Helps when you are commenting on other sites and provides backlinks to your site.

OnlyWire for WordPress- Essential for  automatic viral posting of all new posts from your site to over 30 social media and bookmarking sites. With one hit of a button.

Google Analytics for WordPress- Gives stats on where the traffic is coming from and page views gives you and idea of what works and what doesn’t.

All in one facebook plugins for WordPressThis has multiple features depending what you want to add to your site, you can add the like button, live stream facebook comments or Activity feed depending on your preference.

Tweet Meme Retweet button–  This is the same button on, so when someone clicks on this it will be tweeted to all of their followers.

WP Super cache- Will speed up your site significantly due to its super fast cache function.

Tidy up- Runs a HTML tidy up on all posts and comments. So your site stays operational

WP Greet Box Depending on where the visitor arrives from i.e Digg They will be greeted accordingly such as, Hi Digg it friend or Hi facebook friend. Then they can Digg your post directly from there.

I hope you enjoy these tips on WP plug ins, please leave your comments below.

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