Google loves, well guess what, yeah all things related to Google! No I hear you cry !. Who doesn’t love to be promoted especially if you are a search engine right and you can get other people to promote you too ?

Google loves all of its own stuff and if you use their stuff they will love you for it.

So what stuff belongs to Google ?– owned by google and for no cost you can blog to your hearts content for free. Be careful though as it is not hosted by you, so any content you put on your Google blogger can have  its down side as now it belongs to google and if they decide one day they don’t like your content or the site for whatever reason you could end up with a nasty shock and find out one day that your site has disappeared, worth bearing in mind and not to build your whole business around blogger, also its best to be aware when you are considering topics to blog about. However it is a great way to link to your main website and get backlinks.


6 Things Google Loves

Google Knol- Is a site that google started in 2008. On this google site you can add your own articles and you can also add video. The content on knol can be on any theme and you don’t have to be a great writer to get an article published. The down side is that it may be hard to find an article with the type of good content that you are searching for, that being said it is a good site to find google related updates.

Google blogs- if you already have a blog you can add your blog to google blogs, just type in to the search engine google blogs, and the google blog site will appear it will ask you if you have a site you then input the URL of your site and voila, you blog is then added.



Google Picasa– This is great to upload all of your pictures and make albums. You can then post pictures directly to or to Facebook. It also allows you to do some very handy edits with the simple grahpics interface to get some stunning results and produce collages or turn your pictures into a video presentation

Google profile– With google profile you can add all of your information relating to you, your likes, photos etc and you can inter-feed with google buzz. This is great for sharing information.

Google site– You can do a google site for free and this is a great way to get google rankings. It comes with a variety of templates. You can also decide who can view the page, this is handy if you want to build a site for specific team activities or you want to keep it in the family so to speak. Google sites can be found under your Gmail account in more at the top of the page.



To access all different Google applications above you can either put the term you are looking for i.e  Google profile into the web browser or visit your Gmail account and go to help and then My account. On your account it will show you all the applications that you have and the ones that you can add or edit.  There are many more that you may like such as Google docs, Google mobile, Google Bookmarks, Google buzz and the Asia version of Facebook orkut. Orkut is not available in some countries due to the country compliance.

Another good tip is to always add your bio to all the site that have the capability and also add your photo

Well  I hope you enjoyed this post please share the information if you found it useful

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