
If you find her can you tell me?  Nah only kidding,

I would say that I had an unusual young life, I went to at least seven different schools due to being what is considered an army brat. This has had both its good and bad qualities. The travelling with my parents and going to boarding school gave me a sense of independence and worldliness, but changing from school to school meant I had to make new friends every two years and follow a somewhat disjointed educational curriculum, however judging by people like Henry Ford and many others I feel blessed as to having had a varied and unusual life as a child. Formal education is not everything especially if you have an entrepreneural spirit. Meeting many different people from varied cultural and religious backgrounds has given me a rich advantage of understanding an array of attitudes, feelings and desires.

As an adult I think I was destined to Travel

I have travelled extensively whilst living and working in countries such as Bermuda, Australia, Singapore and Dubai, Having lived in these countries I had several not bad careers that funded my travelling habit. I have always been a perpetual traveller and have done this by backpacking solo through many countries such as Cambodia, South Africa, India and many more from the base countries I was working in.

What I  love most is to experience the cultures, the foods, the songs and the many beautiful people that exists on our planet. To me there is nothing better than to wake up in a foreign land and smell the air. Every country has its own unique smells and sounds. Imagine the honking of the horns and the smell of spices and cinnamon in the air in India, or the cackling sound  of  hyena’s in Africa or the smell of a succulent Thai chicken curry made in Thailand or the smell of jasmine in Bermuda or the talking to children in the street whilst they run away both with laughter and as sense of trepidation.

However down the track and many countries and jobs later,  I woke up and realized that hopping from country to country and job to job wasn’t setting me up for a financial future.

So I set to work on the idea of staying in one country and working hard and whilst I stuck to my plan I do remember one day whilst going to work,  I was driving along the road and I had one of those moments. I saw myself as a rat, I thought this peculiar until I looked out the window of my car and saw there was a pack of rats next to me. It was then that I knew that I wanted to be free of the financial chains of a Job and clock watching

Getting out of the RAT Race

However even with these thoughts I wasn’t so quick to take up and act on the idea.  I had conformed and hadn’t realized it.!!  I think somewhere inside me I was trying to follow the norm ( whatever that means) I worked hard and then harder and then harder. In the end I was exchanging my precious time for money and in most of the jobs, just paid the bills and left very little to enjoy or save.  I had left my entrepreneurial and free spirit somewhere on a shelf gathering dust !!

Young Entrepreneurs

It wasn’t until later, the JOB I was in, started to look anything but Rosie, You see I was in a Management Position in the Real estate business in Dubai in 2008 and it  had just done a 360 degree turn and that, “I can tell you was not funny at all” as I had only started in property market 4 months prior to that and I knew nothing about Real Estate. I struggled for just over a year in a very bad postion.

In any situation I like to think on the positive side I  know now quite a lot about the property market, ( This was a Robert Kiyosaki moment for me) He always says if you want to learn anything about sales or any  field. Just do it!! Learning the property industry however has proved an invaluable education.

Deflated, Exhausted and totally bummed out!!, I had the opportunity of attending a seminar which was on the subject of Internet marketing. I have never been one for  the get rich quick schemes or the like and had seen many friends through the years in all sorts of programs that offered the quick buck that had all the shiny bells and whistles. I saw them attending all kinds of events to get people to sign up and bugging friends and family and they where… all still broke!!

However something resonated in me about this style of Internet marketing which is known as attraction marketing, I liked this concept to do  business whether it is online or offline. The philosophy is one that the customer, business owner, client or prospect has to know, like and  trust you. To do business with anyone these are the foremost important attributes.

In short I am loving my life, My entrepreneurial spirit is well dusted and I am in a business of my own that I love. I can still travel but now, I get to work anywhere and have money in the bank.

If this is anything like you!

check this out !!!

So If you are ready to take that advenuture and learn how you can re-awaken your entrepeunral spirit

Take action !!! before years pass you by and you still are like the guy below !!!!!

The definition of Insanity doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results

The DEFINITION of Insanity Doing the SAME thing over and over and expecting a different result.!!!!

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